
EQUAL in LEGAL is all about sharing knowledge on EQUALITY in the global legal ecosystem. As a community, we want to learn from each other, connect people and make the world a little better. We will share stories and articles on EQUALITY related topics like Diversity & Inclusion, Pro-Bono/Volunteering, Access to Justice, Talent & Education and Sustainability/ESG/CSR. Most of all we want to do it TOGETHER with all parties within the legal ecosystem; reach out, collaborate, share & connect.

In 2019 the EQUAL in LEGAL initiative started in The Netherlands, Europe. GCN, the knowledge network for General Counsel, reached out to both General Counsel and Legal Service Providers and asked them to support the EQUAL in LEGAL Statement. Through this statement, the signatories are giving their commitment to promote Diversity and Inclusion within their workplace and share their D&I experiences and initiatives and learn from each other’s initiatives. 

We are embracing the responsibility to inspire others.